
Max built, installed, and stocked a community food pantry in 2020.


Hugh built a sun shade over a playground at Carrboro United Methodist Church in May 2019.

Evan built a walkway from the back parking lot to the preschool entrance and the back hallway entrance of Carrboro United Methodist Church in November 2015.



I remembered back to when I was in elementary and middle school I always thought about how heavy our backpacks were and how nice it would be to have a bench to sit on when we were waiting for the bus.  I also thought a bench would be nice for people taking a walk along the path on Piney Mountain.  With a lot of help from Mr. Stonecypher, we were able to create a design to build two park benches for my eagle project.

Although there was a little rain in the forecast when we started to build, we were able to complete the project in 3 days thanks to the help of my family, friends, and scouts from the Troop. The benches are located on Piney Mountain Road, across from the entrance to Old Forest Creek Drive neighborhood.


In May 2015, Lawton lead the construction of a 78-foot-long boardwalk for the Town of Chapel Hill.  The boardwalk replaced a make-shift structure that covered a consistently muddy section of a trail on town-owned land near Rashkis Elementary School. The project involved more that 140 man-hours of work from 10 scouts and 3 adults and has received praise from town officials and community members.


Wes built a concession stand at McDougle Middle School's stadium in December 2013.